Aquilla - Year 5 & 6
Welcome to Aquilla!
Our teachers are Mrs Byford and Mrs Hues. Mrs Byford teaches Monday-Wednesday and Mrs Hues Thursday-Friday. Mrs Mallinson teaches RE. Aquilla is supported by Ms Harvey.
Term 3 and 4 Topic Map
A typical day in Aquilla
8.45 Register and Morning Maths
8.50 Collective Worship
9.10 Run
9.20 English
10.30 Break
10.45 Maths
12.00 Lunch
1.00 Guided Reading
1.30 Topic Lesson 1
2.15 Topic Lesson 2
3.00 Story
3.15 Home
We have PE on Wednesday at the Village hall and our Outdoor Learning session is on a Thursday afternoon. Once a term, we lead Collective worship on a Friday at 2.45.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to message us directly on Class Dojo or via Ruthie in the office:
Our Term 1 Learning
History - How has our school and local area changed over time?
Science - How does the circulatory system work?