Welcome to Kites’ class page

We are a year 6 class and taught by Mrs Byford in the morning and Mrs Mallinson in the afternoon.

Our teaching assistant is Miss Harvey. 


Thank you to Turn It On and Jensen Wealth Management for sponsoring our Year 6 hoodies this year!


A typical week in Kites

Each morning, we have focussed Guided Reading, English and Maths sessions. 

In the afternoon, we have Collective Worship each day and Topic lessons (which include either Science, Geography, History, Computing, Art, D&T or Music) as well as weekly French, RE, PE and PSHE lessons. 

Every Wednesday afternoon we walk up to the Kennet Valley Hall for PE. Please can children come to school dressed in their PE kit. 


Reading for pleasure 

Click here to see the recommended reading books for Year 6.


What we are learning in:

Term 1

Curriculum Overview 


Term 1 News

This term in Kites we have been working extremely hard. We have conquered some very tricky maths and have written some amazing stories and newspapers. I have been so impressed with the resilience from the children, they have persevered when the learning has been tough and they should be very proud of themselves. 

Kites’ Blocks this term have been:

Science – where we have learned about Carl Linnaeus and how he devised a classification system for living things and how Edward Jenner came up with the idea of a vaccine (and why it uses the Latin word for ‘cow’ in its name…). We used dichotomous keys to identify Antarctic animals and devised our own to help others to identify penguins.

History – where our focus has been on the Windrush Generation and their contribution to modern Britain. We have used our skills from Guided Reading lessons to find useful information from a range of printed secondary sources. In looking at photographs from the time, we have made suggestions about what we think people may have felt on the month long voyage from the Caribbean to the United Kingdom.



If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to come into school before or after the school day. Alternatively, you can message us directly on SeeSaw or email Ruthie in the office: office@kennetvalley.wilts.sch.uk